Family Ride
A six-mile counterclockwise loop on the tree-lined road around Perrot State Park.
Family Ride - Strava Map Link A 40-mile figure-eight loop that starts with an easy cruise out Park Road and West Prairie Road to G. Head up G for about three miles to the rest stop at Whistle Pass. Continue up G, and in a few miles you'll have to make a decision: Turn right on Pine Creek Ridge Road to test yourself on Hip Breaker Hill, or continue on G to the longer but much-less-steep bypass hill to the top of the ridge If you braved Hip Breaker, turn left at the top on Pine Creek Ridge, and in about three miles bear left on G and you'll meet up with riders who took the bypass, at the intersection of G and JJ. Continue on JJ for a nice, long downhill. But be careful - there are two sharp turns and the pavement will test the grip of your water bottle holders. JJ runs out to J, where you turn left and head through Dodge and back to G. It's only about a mile down G back to rest stop. After resting your legs, go down Whistle Pass and carry your momentum up a short hill. In about a mile is the final major climb on the ride - Whistle Pass Hill, not very long but steep enough to hurt. From there it's downhill to F, which turns into Harris (on the other side of Hwy 35), which becomes Canar (stay right), which runs into West Prairie (turn left), which hits Park Road (turn right), which will take you through Perrot State Park and back to the Trempealeau Hotel. Figure 8 - Hip Breaker Hill - Strava Map Link Figure 8 - Bypass route - Starva Map Link
Bypass vs Hip Breaker Hill Elevation Comparison
A 2016 addition for those who want to ride 100 kilometers, or 62 miles. Follow the Hip Breaker route to where Pine Creek Ridge meets G, but instead of turning left toward JJ, turn right on G and follow it for a little over a mile to Meyers Valley Road. Meyers Valley Road is a long, curvy downhill that runs out to J, where you'll take a right and then quick left on Middle Road. Middle Road comes out back on J, and two right turns will put you onto Lower Bridge Road, which takes you to River Road. In about seven miles, bear right on Buehler Valley Road - it's easy to miss and you'll be flying down a hill, so keep your eyes peeled - and take the long, gentle climb up to Hwy. 95 left toward Fountain City for just a short way to P, which is screaming fast downhill with a long runout. P takes you all the way back to Dodge, where you will hit J and rejoin the Hip Breaker route. Metric Century - Hip Breaker Hill - Strava Map Link Metric Century - Bypass - Strava Link |